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Greek Homework
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Spellings for term 6
Spellings for term 5
Spellings for Term 4
Spellings Term 3
Spellings for Term 2
Spellings for term 1
In Class 5 the pupils are expected to:
- Read their school book or another book of their choosing every day at home for a minimum of 5 minutes. During this time please discuss the way we read punctuation as well as words, how bold or italic words are read differently. Look for how advanced punctuation is used. For example, speech marks, brackets, commas, apostrophes etc. It is very important that adults discuss these things with their child as they are not likely to notice them on their own. Reading should increase to include regular sustained periods so that children develop the habit of ‘getting into a good book’. (Reading a few pages every few days inhibits this).
- By year 5 it is expected that all children should have fluent recall of their times tables. Children forget them if they are not used, so a regular (daily if possible) quick and short tables quiz would help your child retain what they have learned. A great practice is Times Table Rock Stars, check the link at the bottom of the page.