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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Together we are a family of God, a family of love, a family of learners

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Together we are a family of God, a family of love, a family of learners

Liturgy - TenTen Resources and Children's Liturgy


TenTen produce the resources that we use for our assemblies. They have a parental newsletter every month to keep you all up to date with the important events that are happening in our liturgical year. 


Please click on the link below for the newsletter. 


Every Wednesday, the children from each class take it in turns to plan and deliver a liturgy for the school. 

They work with their teachers and they are usually linked to the RE themes they are doing or to special liturgical times of the year.  Please visit the class blogs for further details. 

Our Mission and Values

Together we are a family of God, a family of love, a family of learners.

Read Our School Ethos

Trust Information

St Mary's Catholic Primary School is an academy, and part of the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership. The Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address: Barham Court, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Mary's Catholic Primary School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
