School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office. Paper copies are available from the school office.
- Whistleblowing Policy 24-25.pdf
- Complaints Policy 2024.25.pdf
- Privacy Notice for Parents & Carers (Primary) 2024.pdf
- Equality Policy 2024.pdf
- Data protection policy 2024.pdf
- Pupil Premium Policy 2024.25.pdf
- Charging & Remissions Policy (2).pdf
- Model first aid policy.pdf
- Supporting pupils with medical conditions policy.pdf
- Finance Regulations 2024.25.pdf
- Information Security Policy 2024.25.pdf
- Records Management Policy 2024.25.pdf
- CCTV policy 2024.25.pdf
- Volunteer Policy 2024.25.pdf
- Expenses Policy 2024.25.pdf
- Employment of Ex offenders Policy 2024.25.pdf
- Primary Admissions Policy 2025-26.pdf
- Educational visits policy 2024.pdf
- Whistleblowing-policy-24-25 (1).pdf
- Complaints-policy-2024.25 (1).pdf
- Behaviour-suspensions-and-exclusions-policy-24-25.pdf
- Whistleblowing-policy-24-25.pdf
- Complaints-policy-2024.25.pdf
- Equality-policy-2024.pdf
- Data-protection-policy-2024.pdf
- Pupil-premium-policy-2024.25.pdf
- Charging-remissions-policy-feb-2024.pdf
- Model-first-aid-policy.pdf
- Supporting-pupils-with-medical-conditions-policy.pdf
- Information-security-policy-2024.25.pdf
- Records-management-policy-2024.25.pdf
- CCTV-policy-2024.25.pdf
- Employment-of-ex-offenders-policy-2024.25.pdf
- Separated-parents-guidance-2024.25.pdf
- Privacy-notice-for-recruitment-applicants-2023.pdf
- Privacy-notice-for-governors-trustees-2023.pdf
- Privacy-notice-for-employees-2023.pdf
- SCR-and-Safer-Recruitment-Procedure-2023.24.pdf
- KCSP Primary-Admissions-Supplimentary-Form-July-2021.pdf
- Procedures-for-Managing-Safeguarding-Concerns.pdf
- Health-and-Safety-Policy.pdf
- Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy Kent CLEAN (1).docx
- PP-Strategy-Statement-St-Marys-Deal-2023-24.pdf
- Primary-Admissions-Policy-2025-26.pdf
- St-Marys-Uniform-Policy-2023-1.pdf
- St-Marys-Online-Safety-Policy.pdf
- St-Marys-Presentation-Policy.pdf
- Lockdown-Procedures-may-2022-1.pdf
- Enabling-Environments-for-Key-Stage-1.pdf
- Behaviour-Policy-2024.pdf