KCSP Policies
- Procedures for Managing Safeguarding Concerns and Allegations about Staff
- KCSP Freedom of Information Policy
- KCSP Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
- KCSP Primary Admissions Supplementary Form
- KCSP Risk Assessment Policy
- KCSP Scheme of Delegation
- Attendance Policy
- KCSP Risk Assessment Policy
- Health and Safety policy Feb 23.pdf
- CP and safeguarding policy 2023.24.pdf
- SCR and Safer Recruitment Procedure 2023.24.pdf
- privacy-notice-for-employees-2023.pdf
- privacy-notice-for-governors-trustees-2023.pdf
- privacy-notice-for-recruitment-applicants-2023.pdf
- Volunteer Policy.pdf
- Behaviour, suspensions and exclusions policy 2024.pdf
- Separated parents guidance 2024.25.pdf
- Employment of Ex offenders Policy 2024.25.pdf
- Volunteer Policy 2024.25.pdf
- CCTV policy 2024.25.pdf
- Whistleblowing Policy 2024.25.pdf
- Records Management Policy 2024.25.pdf
- Information Security Policy 2024.25.pdf
- Supporting pupils with medical conditions policy.pdf
- model first aid policy.pdf
- Charging & Remissions Policy Feb 2024.pdf
- Pupil Premium Policy 2024.25.pdf
- Data protection policy 2024.pdf
- Equality Policy 2024.pdf
- Complaints Policy 2024.25.pdf
- Governance Committee Visits Policy.pdf