Termly Blog
Term 5
This term we have enjoyed learning about World War 2. We have improved our arithmetic skills dramatically ready for SATS! We managed to have fun revising - marking badly completed tests and taking part in a grammar revision game show. In writing, we produced brilliant diary recounts, writing in role as evacuees leaving London during the Blitz. In computing, we have become brilliant at coding using scratch.
Term 5: Science - is yeast a microrganism experiment
Term 5: Evacuee drama
Term 5: marking badly completed SATs
Term 3
In English, we have been learning how to write warning stories which include a detailed setting description.
In Maths, we have been developing our understanding of fractions. We have also been honing our arithmetic skills every afternoon, in preparation for our SATs.
We have had a great time learning about circuits in Science. Have a look at our investigations using various components: