Come and See - our Religious Education Programme
Our Religious Education programme is called "Come and See" .
This is a comprehensive course for children aged 4 - 11 years. Both the method and the content of this syllabus reflect the mind of the church and give constant reminders that religious education and formation require close co-operation between home, school and parish.
In accordance with the guidelines from the Bishops' Conference the children at St Mary’s receive 2.5 hours of Religious Education each week. This integrates the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Catholic Levels of Attainment and the Religious Education Curriculum Directory.
Children explore the mystery of Faith through Scripture and Tradition. Links are made explicitly in planning documents to the resources and plans are adapted to meet the needs of the unique cohort using a selection of ritual objects, books, videos and posters etc in school. Lessons are very well resourced with both interactive stimuli, a variety of artefacts and making cross curricular links.
Come & See Topics
Our R.E. programme provides many opportunities for celebrating joyfully and prayerfully through music and in quiet times of reflection. This takes place in class, assemblies and whole school celebrations.
Our R.E. programme is appropriate to the age and developmental stage of each child.
For all children the programme raises questions and provides material for reflecting on their own experience. It will help them to explore the beliefs, values and way of life of the Catholic tradition and where appropriate of other faith traditions.
The content of each RE topic is structured so that there is cohesion and progression in what the children do and learn. In order to allow pupils to work according to their different abilities, for each level there are:
- Clearly stated aims
- Achievable learning outcomes
- A selection of experiences and activities for each of the learning intentions
As with other subjects, RE is addressed through our long planning sheets and topic webs, which the class teacher then uses to inform the short term planning. The RE subject leader ensures that the staff have access to the ‘Come and See’ website and any other resources needed.
Come and See SEND Provision
For those children who need additional help in Religious Education, there are a selection of resources that Come and See has provided.
These are based on the following themes:
Domestic Church
Local Church
Lent Easter
Universal Church