Mission Statement
Together we are
A family of God,
A family of love,
A family of learners
“To welcome this little child in my name is to welcome me; and to welcome me is to welcome him who sent me.”
Luke 9:48
To be inspired by Jesus by:-
- Developing the Catholic nature of the school by building strong relationships and being positive role models.
- Being tolerant and forgiving.
- Providing a varied and stimulating curriculum and continued staff development.
- Enriching the spiritual life of the school through reflection, prayer, collective worship and celebration.
- Promoting respect for everyone, including those of different religious beliefs, cultures and faith backgrounds.
To enable all members of the school family to set aspirational goals for themselves by:-
- Supporting everyone in achieving their full potential spiritually, academically, morally and physically.
- Providing leadership to enable a rich curriculum, personalised learning, monitoring and assessment within a stimulating Christian environment.
- Working together to build a caring Christian community that meets the needs of all pupils, parents, governors and staff.
- Gathering together in the peace and love of Jesus to celebrate the achievements, efforts, gifts and talents of all members of the school family.
- Developing the whole curriculum beyond the classroom to provide broad, balanced activities to promote spiritual, moral and social education.
- Placing emphasis on children achieving high but attainable standards.
- Monitoring children’s progress through a well-planned curriculum.
To work in partnership with parents, parish and wider community by :-
- Recognising parents as the primary educators of their children. Providing opportunities for parents and the wider community to develop their own potential as well as the potential of their children.
- Developing extended school opportunities.
- Maintaining an “open-door” policy.
- Involving everyone in liturgies, celebrations, special events, visits, charitable work and fund raising.
- Communicating with parents via letters, email, text and website.
At St. Mary’s we believe that our values, as illustrated in our Mission Statement above, fully encompass what the Government calls the ‘British Values’. The DFE reinforces the promotion of ‘British values’ in schools, as vital in ensuring that children grow up free from bullying and discrimination. At St. Mary’s any form of bullying is not tolerated. Our belief in ‘The Common Good’, which underpins our ethos, is confirmation of our total support for the ‘British Values’. The Government’s definition of ‘British values’ includes the following:-
- Democracy
- The Rule of Law
- Individual Liberty
- Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
At St Mary’s we listen to children and value the freedoms and responsibilities that a Democracy brings. We have a democratically elected School Council and ensure that pupils have opportunities to take on responsibilities. Parents and pupils are consulted regularly and there are opportunities for parents and pupils to share their views. We promote fairness by ensuring that all pupils are enabled to share their viewpoints without fear.
We teach children the importance of The Rule of Law. Children follow the ‘Golden Rules’ for the school. They understand that rules are there to protect everyone, to keep people safe and enable to them to learn.
Pupils are encouraged to make choices within a safe and supportive environment. They are taught how to minimise risk, particularly when using the internet. Assemblies and PSHE lessons are used to promote Individual Liberty. Children learn how to make the right choices in different situations. They understand that the choices they make have an impact on others; their liberty must not be at the expense of someone else’s well-being.
We teach children that Mutual Respect is at the heart of our ethos. We believe that when adults and pupils treat each other with respect, this value is taken out to the wider community. It is the right of everyone to be treated with respect regardless of gender, faith, culture, belief or difference. We believe that God made each one of us as a unique being and that difference is to be celebrated; it is not for us to judge others but to love.
Through the curriculum, our assemblies and our own faith, we teach the children Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs. At St Mary’s we actively challenge pupils or adults who express opinions that are contrary to our ethos and the ‘British values’ outlined above.