Writing is a key skill that enables our children to communicate in a personal and communicative manner. We aim to enthuse and inspire our children to become capable and enthusiastic writers, who will develop a genuine love of writing. Our cross-curricular approach enables children to write for a wide range of purposes and gives them the opportunity to develop their understanding of the different writing genres. At St Mary's we have embarked on a new writing journey, whereby all year groups are following the Talk for Writing approach. Talk for Writing, developed by Pie Corbett and Julia Strong, is based on the principles of how children learn. It enables children to imitate the language they need orally before reading, analysing and then using the language to develop and write their own independent version.
Statement of Intent
At St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, the aim of teaching English is to ensure that our children both enjoy and effectively practise the skills of reading, writing and speaking and listening. This is to enable and prompt our children to become literate and to be able to communicate effectively in the ever-changing world around them. Our pupils will be given different opportunities to interrelate the requirements of English within a broad and balanced approach to the teaching of English across the curriculum, with guidance and support to consolidate and reinforce taught literacy skills. Statutory requirements for the teaching and learning of English are laid out in the National Curriculum English Document (2014) and in the Communication, Language and Literacy section of the Early Years Framework.
We want our children to develop a positive and enthusiastic attitude towards writing that will stay with them. Writing is integral to all aspects of the curriculum and we endeavour to engage our pupils in purposeful writing activities. In addition to this, writing enables pupils to communicate with people, it encourages thinking and communication skills to grow and writing can give our children the platform to share their experiences and ideas. These skills are vital as they give children a platform to demonstrate and share their understanding of different subjects and are beneficial when taken in to adult life.
This year St Mary's have implemented Talk for Writing to enable our children to develop, fulfil, master and relish their full writing potential. We aim for:
- A positive attitude and pupils to write with confidence, clarity and imagination.
- Understand and apply their knowledge of phonics and spelling.
- Write in a range of genres (including fiction, non-fiction and poetry).
- Learn texts and analyse the different structures and features
- Plan, draft, revise and edit their own work, and learn how to self and peer assess against the success criteria.
- Have the opportunity to write for different purposes.
- Develop a technical vocabulary through which to understand and discuss their writing.
- Incorporate and use relevant punctuation and grammar correctly.
- Use cursive script handwriting (see separate policy).
Assessment of writing will be used consistently throughout the year. Each piece of writing will be monitored against the relevant year group checklist, as this will give a formative assessment of skills/gaps. In addition to this, there are regular opportunities to moderate with other staff members to ensure consistency and progression. Children also have the opportunity to edit their work with feedback from both adults and peers.
St Mary's Writing Learning Journeys

St Mary's Writing Curriculum

Writing Genre Explanations
Please find above the 'Guide to Text Types: Narrative, Non-fiction and Poetry'.
This National Literacy Trust document gives an overview of structure, language features and key knowledge that our children our taught.