Termly Blog
Autumn Term 2024
We have made a wonderful start to our learning in year 1!
In English, we learned stories such as Knuffle Bunny and Slowly, Slowly, Said The Sloth. We have been focusing on remembering capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. We have also explored how to use adjectives to add description to our writing.
In Maths, we have been securing our understanding of place value to 10, addition within 10 and subtraction within 10. We have been practising our important number facts daily.
In RE, we learned about what is means to be part of God's family. We learned about the special sacrament of Baptism. We visited our parish church and had a special lesson from Fr Matthew about Baptism. Then we shared our knowledge with the whole school in our first liturgy. As we approached Christmas time, we learned that Advent is a time of waiting and getting ready for Jesus' birth. We took part in the KS1 Nativity which was wonderful!
In science, we have learned what happens as the seasons change from Summer to Autumn and from Autumn to Winter. We have also found about the properties of every day materials. We tested which material would make the best umbrella for our class teddy.
In geography, we learned about our addresses and maps. We made maps of our classroom and located our homes on digital maps.
In art, we have learned how to make different types of lines and patterns to create pictures.