Key Themes across the Year
English Books
English Themes
Term One
- Characterisations
- Instructions
- Place Value and Punctuation of Grammar
Term Two
- Shape Poems and Calligrams
- Playscripts
- Persuasive Letters
Term Three
- Quest Story
- Information Text
Term Four
- Rap Poetry
- Defeating a Monster Story
- Explanation Text
Term Five
- Portal Story
- Diary Recount
Term Six
- Free Verse Poems
- Myth Story
- Chronological Recount
Mathematic Themes
Overarching Themes throughout the Year
Term One
As Geographers let's research about the United Kingdom:
- Countries and Cities
- Rivers and Seas
- Around the Counties
- Hills and Mountains
- How London grew
- Our Changing Nation
As Scientists let's investigate all about Rocks and Soils:
- What are Rocks?
- Properties of Rocks
- Weathering and Erosion
- How are Fossils formed?
- What is Soil?
- Investigating the Permeability of Soils
Term Two
As Historians let's discover The Stone Age:
- How did people survive in the Stone Age?
- What changed for people living in Stone Age Britain?
- How do we know about life in the Stone Age?
As Scientists let's investigate all about Animals (including Humans):
- Nutrition
- Food Labels
- Skeletons
Term Three
As Historians let's discover The Bronze and Iron Ages:
- How did life change in the Bronze Age?
- What do we know about Britain's Pre-Historic Tombs and Monuments?
- Who were the Celts and how did they make iron in the Iron Age?
- Why did people build Hill forts in the Iron Age?
As Scientists let's continue to investigate all about Animals (including Humans):
- Human Skeletons
- Muscles
- Creating Investigations
Term Four
As Geographers let's research The Extreme Earth:
- Under our feet
- Volcanoes
- More Volcanoes
- Earthquakes
- Tsunamis
- Tornadoes
As Scientists let's continue to investigate all about Forces and Magnets:
- Pushes and Pulls
- Exploring Surfaces
- Testing Surfaces
- Magnetic Materials
- Magnet Strength
- Magnetic Poles
Term Five
As Historians let's discover The Romans:
- Who were the Romans and how did they build the Roman Empire?
- Why did the Romans invade Britain?
- Why did the Romans build New Roads and Towns?
- Who was Boudicca and why did she lead a Rebellion?
- Why was Hadrian's Wall important and who lived there?
- What was life like in a Roman Villa?
- Why do we remember the Romans?
As Scientists let's investigate all about Light:
- Light and Dark
- Reflective Surfaces
- Marvellous Mirrors
- Sun Safety
- Making Shadows
- Changing Shadows
Term Six
As Geographers let's research Land Use:
- Sketch Maps
- Using a Key
- Surveying the Land
- How Land is used
- How Land is used for Farming
- Tornadoes
As Scientists let's investigate all about Plants:
- Parts of Plants
- What do Plants need to Grow Well?
- Investigating Plants
- Moving Water
- Fantastic Flowers
- Life Cycle