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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Together we are a family of God, a family of love, a family of learners

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Together we are a family of God, a family of love, a family of learners



Our geography curriculum is designed to ensure children develop contextual knowledge, strengthen their geographical skills, and engage in practical fieldwork experiences. Lessons are designed to build children’s understanding of both human and physical geography. Students will:

  • Develop geographical skills: Pupils learn how to use maps, atlases, and digital tools to identify places and geographical features. They will be introduced to reading compasses, interpreting maps, and collecting data through fieldwork activities.
  • Analyse and interpret data: Students practice interpreting geographical information through a range of resources such as maps, photographs, and data tables. They develop skills in analysing geographical data to understand key themes, patterns, and trends.
  • Explore fieldwork: Children take part in practical fieldwork opportunities, using the local environment to observe geographical features and gather data. These experiences help them learn how to apply their geographical knowledge in real-world settings.
  • Communicate geographical information: Pupils will express their geographical knowledge in various ways, including through maps, graphs, written reports, and presentations. They will develop the ability to communicate complex geographical ideas clearly and accurately, using both qualitative and quantitative methods.

By the time children reach upper key stages, they will have developed the skills to make connections between the local, national, and global scale, enabling them to understand both their immediate environment and the wider world.

Our Mission and Values

Together we are a family of God, a family of love, a family of learners.

Read Our School Ethos

Trust Information

St Mary's Catholic Primary School is an academy, and part of the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership. The Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address: Barham Court, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Mary's Catholic Primary School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
