• Children will be taught in line with the National Curriculum objectives for their year group.
• Using the mastery approach children will learn how to tackle mathematical questions in a series of different way and representations.
• Children will take part in daily maths lessons.
• They will access a range of resources which will come from different publications and sources appropriate for their age group
• They will be taught broadly in line with the sequenced blocks of teaching specified in the White Rose Maths Hub schemes of work.
• Lesson starters will allow children to revisit existing knowledge that they may draw upon to support the new learning.
• Well targeted questioning will assess understanding and challenge mathematical thinking.
• Formative and summative assessment will enable the next steps of learning to be planned for and highlight any need for additional support.
• Links with other curriculum areas will be made as appropriate- including date handling in science and representing data using computer programmes.
• Class display, working walls, connections models and targeted resources will support and enrich learning.
• Quality First teaching will enable all pupils to make progress.
• QFT will be enhanced through appropriate CPD and training and maths staff meetings along with subject monitoring and supportive subject leadership
• KS1 use NCETM Mastering Number to develop a sound understanding of number.
Regular maths assemblies, parent workshops and wow days, taking part in math focussed days and outside activities will foster a schools enjoyment of maths.
Assessment in Reception
In Reception, progress is tracked throughout the year with each individual child’s next steps in mind. Targeted work is then planned to be carried out during provision and in some cases, specific interventions to ensure progress. Assessments are gathered through observations during both adult-initiated and child-initiated learning and are cross referenced to the age-related expectations. These observations also serve to provide an indication related to the impact of the curriculum. Both Reception and Year 1 staff work closely throughout the year to enable a seamless transition into Year 1 and collaborate when reviewing the Reception curriculum at the end of each academic year.