Term 1 24-25 Blog
Autumn Term 1 2024
What a wonderful World
Well what a busy term we have had. The children settled extremely well into the new school and are enjoying the bigger classrooms and spaces that we now have. As year 2 they have all developed their independence about how they learn best and access any resources they need to support their learning journey. As part of our English learning we have enjoyed reading Handa’s Surprise and Little Red Reading Hood. These were both journey stories that we have confidently retold and then used the ideas to write our own versions. Our grammar focus has been on writing sentences with capital letters and full stops. Handwriting has been a huge focus and we are now using ascenders and descenders of the correct size and have just began to join some of our letters. Our maths, learning has all been linked to number facts, place value, greater than, less than and equal to. Number formation has been a huge focus to ensure our numbers are the correct way round. Lots of time has been taken to encourage explaining how an answer has been arrived at. Lots of fun has been had making maps, finding out about compass points, naming and labeling the continents and oceans. Science has been all about different materials and their properties. We have thought about which materials are best for particular products and had lots of fun squashing, twisting, stretching playdough! We based our art work on still life this term and experimented with water colours, chalk and oil pastels. Our RE learning has been linked to the creation story and how God created the world in six days. We have been outside to look at nature on our woodland walk linked to our RE and Little Red Reading Hood writing. We finished the term thinking about Baptism.